lunes, 11 de junio de 2007

Salsa is a latin american music genre that originated in neas york as a resunt of the mixture of afro caribhean music broght by the latinos ( puerto rican, cuban, colombian, venezuelan, panamalan, dominican) and north american Jazz and Rock.
since then, it has migrated over countries and islands increasing is diversity of influences in this way. Therefore, salsa is not a fashion phenomenon but an established music style with high artistic merit and important social and cultural meaning:it sets no limits between age and class.

2 comentarios:

mariam dijo...

me gusta mogolon bailar salsa,
aber si el último dia de clase nos traes alguna cancion y bailamos.tu texto esta muy bien te lo has hechi muy bien y es muy facil de entender.

mariam dijo...

me gusta mucho